The other morning I found myself de-railed
by a temporary bout of self induced comparison-itus.
Maybe you can relate – being hijacked by a weird niggling feeling
that somehow I, or the expression of my life, isn’t measuring up –
compared to something else.
But then, in a moment of liberation/rest,
I was reminded to remember these words…
(in an aussie accent)
“Comparing is So Last Millenium, Baby
Dearheart, you were born on one special moment,
one incredible day, one amazing year.
Nobody knows the breaths you have taken,
all the steps of your journey since the beginning.
Yes, you are the rarest mosaic of all – a rich & incandescent tapestry
enwoven with all the love, lessons & life only you can know & share.
Rare tapestries are not meant to be compared
in a flea-market-of-the-soul dearheart,
and neither are you. ~ Leonie Dawson
Oh…yeah. Duh.
It’s easy to forget this about ourselves, don’t you think?
Also, in case it’s helpful to you,
here is a little slide show of sleep wisdom gems from Dr. Naiman
called bedtime snacks for the soul
Keep Calm and Rest On, 🙂
~ Jennifer