Client Feedback
“Your counsel last night was so helpful. Thank you for seeing me as you do, bringing your compassion and loving ferocity! You are medicine.
Words are such pale representations of the things they represent. Particularly when what one wishes to describe is more than light or energy or depth or vastness…yes, that – but the flavor of it, the specialness of it. What words are there for that?
Thank you for being that untamed! Thank you for being that exotic and free from any cookie cutter, any convention, any mold. Bless you, Jenn, and the star you rode in on!” ~ Jennifer
“Incredible. This is exactly the kind of support I have been looking for: you have given me my freedom back. You surf so well between the practical science and the yoga/spirit/soul/mystery/magic of it all. Addressing sleep with your guidance has been like an injection of love and energy into all aspects of my life – physical, mental, emotional, and beyond. I am profoundly grateful to you and the work you offer” ~ J. D.
What were your favorite parts of this one-on-one support experience that you were surprised by?
I was not sure what to expect, so, in a way, it was all a surprise. However, I was not prepared for the extent to which I would feel empowered in my own relationship to sleep. It was very nice to feel as though, once the support ended, I would be ready to encounter sleep on my own terms, and I felt very secure in my ability to do so without a lot of extra support or ‘’accoutrements.’’
The experience was a much deeper, spiritual and empowering one than I had anticipated.
If you were to recommend this to someone else, what would you say?
The sleep mentoring experience was really enriching. It has improved my relationship with sleep beyond what I could have imagined. If you are struggling with your relationship with sleep, this experience will be a wonderful support to you.
If you were to describe your relationship to sleep now, compared to before, what would you say?
I feel a lot less anxious and worried about my relationship with sleep. I feel a greater sense of ease and a more intimate, loving relationship with sleep, and by extension, with myself (or perhaps these are reciprocal – they are definitely mutually reinforcing).
When you feel into how you are doing today in the following layers of experience, compared to how you were doing 30 days ago, what do you notice, if anything?
I feel less achy and more vibrant, in general. I feel in touch with my body & its rhythms.
My energy feels strong and steady. I feel more in tune with the ebbs and flows of my natural energy cycles.
I feel even more grounded and centered than I did when I started the sleep mentoring process. Again, there seems to be a theme of feeling in touch or in tune with the natural ebbs and flows of concentration, energy, and mood.
I feel joyous and connected.
I really appreciated all of the extras, links, and information for further study or knowledge.
I especially valued the information about tuning into and working with the natural rhythms of my body. The whole experience felt very holistic and connected/connecting. I can’t thank you enough for your work. It was incredibly helpful.
I was given ‘’permission’’ to let go and be more in touch with my authentic self and this has helped me become more aware of my physical, mental and emotional needs. Thank you again! ~ Tiffany Dalton, Graduate Student and Assistant Professor
When you have had sleep issues for over 15 years as I have had it’s hard to believe there is help to be had. I had tried to no avail herbal supports, homeopathy, EMDR, aromatherapy, tapping, meditation, visualization, the list goes on and on. I was relying on sleeping pills to get me through intense bouts of insomnia during this 15 year period. Eventually I developed severe side effects to the medication. Having tried so many ‘cures’ for insomnia with no lasting results I wondered if working with Jennifer could make a difference for me.
I had one session with Jennifer and noticed a immediate improvement in my sleep. The improvements continued with each nights sleep. I really can’t begin to describe how the results I’ve experienced since my session with Jennifer have improved my overall well being.
Jennifer was highly skilled at focusing on what I could do to assist myself in improving my sleep. She also encouraged me to become a self reliant sleeper as opposed to depending on props. I would highly recommend Jennifer to anyone one who is dealing with sleep issues. I am beyond thrilled that I found Jennifer and her support. ~ Kathleen Daunhauer, Holistic Skin Care Expert
Yoga Nidra CD feedback
As a yoga practitioner, I had practiced Yoga Nidra on occasion at studios, which led me to buy copies of popular recordings. Lacking a connection with the male voices on the recordings, I never developed a regular Nidra practice. Upon taking a Nidra workshop with Jenn Piercy and purchasing her Yoga Nidra recording, I was shocked at the effect of a regular Nidra practice. My face looked 2-3 years younger, my body felt renewed, and I was able to let go of lingering emotions and stressors. I now use Jenn Piercy’s Nidra recordings on my students as a method to teach and practice stress relief. The students all love the Yoga Nidra practice, and prefer Jenn’s recordings over all others. ~ Cathy Fowlie, High School Teacher
I have spent the last 10 years working with both my doctor and naturopath on finding solutions to my sleep problems. I have tried numerous pharmaceuticals and herbal alternatives, yet nothing has allowed me to feel well rested. When I discovered Jenn Piercy’s Yoga Nidra recordings, my results were immediate. I have never felt so relaxed, and so well rested. This wasn’t something I needed to practice for weeks before seeing my sleep cycle and health improve. I no longer require sleeping aids to fall asleep. If I practice this technique during the day, it recharges my energy levels and calms me down. If I practice this technique prior to bedtime, it allows me to relax into a deep sleep and I wake-up refreshed. My quality of life, my relationship, and my health has improved. ~ B.T.